Sequelae of dawdled presentation of accidental button battery ingestion – A case report on emerging hazard
button battery, complication, emergency, foreign bodies, otorhinolaryngology, pediatricsAbstract
Aim: To present a case report of button battery ingestion in a 1-year-old child brought after 16 h of ingestion.
Methodology: The child was brought with complaints of button battery ingestion. X-ray of the chest with abdomenwas done to confirm position. An immediate rigid esophagoscopy was done and deformed leaking battery wasremoved from cricopharynx, leaving circumferential blackish slough with ulcer from 12 to 15 cm.
Results: The child was under constant observation for monitoring complications. On day 5, feeding gastrostomywas done. On follow-up day 25, barium swallow showed no leakage or stricture formation. Day 45 follow-up uppergastrointestinal scopy revealed short segment stricture and was dilated with endoscopic and fluoroscopic guidedballoon. The child is thriving well and is under regular follow-up to track expected complications earlier.
Conclusion: The increased marketing and use of lithium cells is responsible for the rise in incidence ofbutton battery ingestion. Button batteries are characterized by damage progression and a wide spectrum ofcomplications. Clinicians must do their best in early removal, avoiding and expecting delayed complications, andtreat as they arise. Afterall, prevention needs to be the prime goal.