Videolaryngoscopy findings in laryngopharyngeal malignancies in Tertiary Cancer Care Centre – A descriptive study of Annual Data


  • P. Thamizh Arasan Government Kilpauk Medical College, Government Royapettah Hospital, Chennai, India



videolaryngoscopy, carcinoma larynx, carcinoma hypopharynx


Aim: Our study was intended to analyze the videolaryngoscopy findings and find annual percentage prevalence ofcarcinoma larynx, hypopharynx, oropharynx and its sub-sites, also assessing its effectiveness for diagnosis and follow-up.

Materials and methods: Patients who attended ENT OPD and diagnosed later with biopsy-proven carcinoma andpatients referred from the oncology department after chemo radiotherapy for follow-up from April 2023 to March2024 underwent videolaryngoscopy assessment.

Results: A total of 132 patients underwent videolaryngoscopy, of whom 92 (69.7%) were male and 40 (30.3%)female. Carcinoma larynx cases were 54 (40.9%), out of which supraglottis 26 (48%), glottis 27 (50%), andsubglottis 1 (2%). Carcinoma hypopharynx cases were 61 (46.2%), out of which pyriform fossa 32 (52.5%),postcricoid 27 (44.3%), and posterior pharyngeal wall 2 (3.2%). There were 15 oropharynx (11.3%) and 2 (1.6%) other malignancy patients. 6 patients (4.5%) had two primary lesions. 25 patients (17.8%) had a T1 lesion, 48patients (34.3%) had a T2 lesion, 47 patients (33.6%) had a T3 lesion, and 20 patients (14.3%) had a T4 lesion. Theoverall purpose of videolaryngoscopy was diagnostic in 51 patients (38.6%) and follow-up after chemoradiotherapyin 81 patients (61.4%). Out of 41 diagnostic patients, (80.3%), a biopsy was done with videolaryngoscopy. In followupafter chemoradiotherapy, 37 out of 81 patients (45.7%) were asymptomatic without any recurrence or residuallesion. 44 out of 81 patients (54.3%) had symptomatic lesions and were advised further follow-up, radiologicalinvestigation, repeat biopsy, and radical surgery.

Conclusion: Videolaryngoscopy is a simple outpatient efficacious investigation in the diagnosis follow-up ofpatients with laryngopharyngeal carcinoma.

Author Biography

P. Thamizh Arasan, Government Kilpauk Medical College, Government Royapettah Hospital, Chennai, India


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How to Cite

P, T. A. (2024). Videolaryngoscopy findings in laryngopharyngeal malignancies in Tertiary Cancer Care Centre – A descriptive study of Annual Data. TNAOI Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 1(1), 43–54.



Original Research